About me

I’m a 31-year-old Ohio native (Cleveland is awesome, shut up) currently living in Athens, GA. I’m an aspiring novelist and running fanatic. I love the following:


*long runs


*Yasso 800s

*mid-run girl talk






*Brooks Launch

*Oiselle gear

You can also find me:




6 thoughts on “About me

  1. Love your take on life! Writing and running go great together! In fact, I’ve started up a Facebook group called Writers Who Run. Just invite yourself over and we’ll welcome you in. Found you on twitter. Happy running!

  2. I am inspired by your story and your progress in your running career. I am a newer runner seeking any advice you could give. I just finished my first marathon in May, and I know and believe I have so much room to grow. Do you have any secrets or advice about how your quickened your pace over the years?
    Thank you.

    1. A lot of hard work! Speed (and I use the term broadly – I don’t consider myself fast because I know so, so many runners who can leave me in the dust; speed is speed for whoever and wherever you are) is the product of a lot of things, including genetics, natural talent, training, and pure grit. I got faster through a lot of things, including but possibly not limited to the following:
      -tempo runs and track workouts, some of which made me want to cry or throw up
      -running longer, both in long runs and higher mileage weeks during marathon training (this was HUGE – took several minutes off my shorter race times during my first two marathon cycles)
      -running with faster friends
      -cross-training and otherwise staying balanced and healthy (this includes rest)

      The bottom line of getting faster, though, is this: if you want to run faster, you have to run….faster. You push your limits in bites, in pieces, in certain workouts. The effort doesn’t really change. Hard runs stay hard. But the pace you maintain at that hard effort level will start getting faster. It’s pretty exciting and fun. You’ll hit plateaus, which is frustrating, but then you’ll bust through those walls and feel totally BADASS. Enjoy it. And happy running! 🙂

      PS Sorry this took me ages to reply to!! I forgot I had comments here 😦

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